Penultimate day in Paris

Well here we are, the last night of our journey. Landed in Milan 17 weeks ago last Friday and fly home tomorrow (Monday) 10.30pm local time!

87 bus to Place de la Bastille to see the monument and the Sunday Market.

The market is adjacent to the Bastille. John Reese was correct when he described the market … “This is not just a market, but more like a grand Fair.” 

It is huge! I reckon it extends for at least 400 metres. 



                       And not least … cheap wine!!

The stalls just seemed to go on and on and on … and the people … 

A purchase of clementines and a baguette and it was back for the 87 bus.

And not for the first time in Paris, our bus ride terminated 800m from our stop, oh well, when in Paris! 🤣

After lunch we made our way towards Rue de Buci and a very cool shirt shop. No more purchases for me!

Came across this very cool lane off  Saint-Andre Des-Arts. 

Made our way over the river to Marais and Anne checked out a few shops while I did some people watching in Place de la Liberation.

Le Petit Chatelet for dinner and a magnificent meal, a lovely way to spend our last night in Paris, and our 17 week journey through Europe and England!


  1. Bon voyage and merci beaucoup for sharing your adventures and photos. I felt rather envious seeing you at the market. baguette in hand. I hope it was filled with Camembert. See you soon

    1. Bonjour Christine … and thank you for following and commenting. Has been lovely to know that people have also enjoyed our travels and experiences. See ya at the airport. 🤣


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