
 Thursday Markets on Blvd Saint Germain.

Then on to The Pantheon before Luxembourg Gardens. 

Sculptures of significant individuals around the Gardens.

And being a keen gardener, I was very impressed with this system for planting winter flower-beds!

In need of coffee and pastries so Jozi Cafe fitted the bill.

Exploring near Rue Saint-Jacques around the Latin Quarter.

                            Tonight’s dinner spot!

Back to apartment for lunch and a rest before catching bus to Musee d’Orsay.

So much to see and soak up, but here are a couple for sharing.

                Roman Orgy - Thomas Couture 1847

Paul Signac (Neo Impressionism) - Chateaux de Papes 1990

Can’t forget Vincent - Van Gogh’s bedroom in Arles 1889.

           Caravans, Gypsy Camp near Arles 1888.

         Paul Cezanne - Achille Emperaire 1867-1868

Loved this view of Montmarte through the window!

A truly amazing and inspiring place, but so much to see and absorb, you could spend weeks exploring and still not take it all in! 

Decided to walk back to apartment which was a good choice as we saw this beautiful rainbow over the Seine!

                        The Seine with blue sky.

Notre Dame in background … and cyclists who have to be watched very carefully. Many of them think Red Lights and pedestrian crossings don’t apply to them! 

Potato gratin at Augustin’s was delicious! The carafe of Rose wasn’t bad either!

The weather had cleared so a stroll along the Seine and the lights of Paris.

                                  Notre Dame

Police Headquarters looking stunning in red and blue.


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