Palermo - Cefalu - London

 Via Chiavetteri (our apartment) in the morning - deathly quiet.

And at night … or should I say into the early hours of the morning … up to 5am!! Had our first night’s good sleep in Palermo as we moved into Olivia’s room which was off the street. 

Checked-out of apartment and headed for coffee and pastries at our favourite cafe (only the two of us this time)

Then back to Cefalu for a few hours to cool off in 28 degrees. Sun was shining today unlike when we were there on Saturday. 

No fear of being hit by a scooter or car in here!

                     A good drying day in Cefalu! 🤣

Gotta love how they do business in Sicily - the street is as good as any retail shop!

Then it was time to check-out a swimming spot. This looks pretty good … and the water temperature was great!

Time for a pizza and drink on the waterfront before catching the train back to Palermo.

A great way to spend our last day in Sicily! 

Overall thoughts on Palermo, not including Mondello and Cefalu.
Palermo is the best and the worst of Italy; extremely diverse with poverty and wealth, dirty in places, vibrant, exciting, organic, authentic, rustic and full of history and cultural traditions, and a haven for foodies and beer and wine drinkers! At times an ‘assault on the senses’, but we loved it!! 😍
Sitting at airport waiting for flight back to London.  Ciao! 


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